Family & Friends
From The Daughter Of A Gay Dad 
Aurelia Clark Wann shares some of her feelings about having a gay dad and how she feels about gay men and women adopting children. A beautiful insight into what the kids think about all of this.
A Letter to Gordon B. Hinkley
Marilyn Johnson, the mother of a gay daughter, writes an impas-
sioned and very personal letter to the president of the Mormon church.
David Eccles Hardy
David Eccles Hardy is a Salt Lake City attorney and the father of a gay son. In this letter to Gordon B. Hinkley, he explores the reality of the church's impact on young gay Mormons and their families. Nowhere has it been spelled out so clearly as in this letter.
Aurelia, From The Latin Word For Light
Tom Clark reminisces about the joys and challenges of watching his daughter being raised in the Mormon church.
Sitting At The Table Of Privilege
Thoughts about my daughter Auri and the struggle for gay rights in America. By Tom Clark
Same-Sex Marriage & Mormonism
From Scott Tippetts comes this powerful and insightful essay that explores same-sex marriage from within the context of Mormonism.
  Oh what a tangled web we weave...